HUFF PreliminaryAgenda Suggestions 4-11-24
` Standard Stuff: Procedures and Preliminaries
++++ Timekeeper (10 minutes per item) Hand-raisin’ courtesies, Chair rotation
++++ Passarounds and Handouts: to be announced
++++ Agenda Additions
++++ Announcements, Upcoming Events
++++ Follow-up’s on old business not on the agenda
Possible Topics for Discussion
++++ New Info on Robert Ratner/Matt, County Homeless Czar (Accountabuility for $$ spent) and/or Matt\ Huffaker Demand (Stop the Sweeps; Services to Existing Camps)
++++ Demands (Stop the Sweeps, Reapportion funding to service existing camps)
++++ Vendor who pays for a spot crowding out street performers, artists, homeless folks, and others wanting to gather
++++ Reports from government bodies (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board)
++++ Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MH CAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)
++++ Rainy Day Saturday 4-13 Predicted
Specific Follow-Up’s (any new info?)
++++ Surveillance Camera Location (thru direct inquiry, observation, and public records)
++++ Coral St. & other Sweeps
++++ Patient Advocate George Corvalho for data on numbers of TeleCare psych holds sent out of County last year; Latest update on posting of Reiss protection against forced drugging procedures;
++++Direct interviews with Tier 2 RV program users? Reggie Meisler Report? Prospects for an in-streets HUFF meeting out on Delaware
++++ Water accessibility at Harvey West, on Pacific Ave., at city Hall and elsewhere;
++++ Public Bathrooms; London Nelson Discrimination?
++++ Target Suggestions: `City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission… City Hall—City Council meets 3-26 Other targets: /Emeline/TelcCare/Supes
++++ Defeat SB 1011:
If enough time and desire
++++ Possible phone contacts: Laura C. on Recent political updates and incoming videos/complaints at 245-0956
++++ Pro-Palestinian-Homeless Alliance protest info:
++++ Legal:
Net-Show Access
++++TO HEAR THE BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW: After 6 PM Thurs & 9:30 AM Sun go to http://www. click on date
++++Description of recent shows: 4-4:
4-7: Problems with the HUFF server prevent presenting the finished show. The original broadcast at requires a bit of skipping and get to the meat of the show.