HUFF "Loose Cannon" Agenda Suggestions 4-18-24
The 4-18-24 HUFF meeting is being held at the edge of the Harvey West survival encampments near Friendship Park. We usually meet at the Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific Ave. next to the Bike Church 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. These “Loose Cannon” meetings are more informal gatherings without the usual tight agenda constraints typical of those run by Robert (who may not make this meeting). The following are some of Robert’s suggestions for possible topics, but participants themselves decide leadership and agenda.. There will likely be snacks, though folks may have to bring their own drinks. Bring snacks to share.
Those with recording equipment are encouraged to record (with the permission of participants) some of the accounts for later on-line play or reference by HUFFsters unable to get to the meeting.
Standard Stuff: Procedures and Reports
++++ Group decides on its own procedures such as Timekeeper (10 minutes per item) Hand-raisin’ rules, Chair rotation
++++ Announcements and Street Reports
++++ Handouts: “We Stopped SB 1011 !” ; Cops Slam Terran Whitley story;
Possible Flashpoints for Action
++++ Police brutality against Terran Whitley an electric biker near Clearview Court
++++ Follow-Up on Rumors of an impending police crackdown at Harvey West
++++ Tabling and Info Gathering at Coral St. after confirmed raids/sweeps.
++++ Keeping Contact with Watsonville Camps threatened with eviction.
++++ Tabling Outside Lulu Carpenter’s in response to anti-homeless harassment
++++ Assisting HUFFster Helga to follow up on her assault by police
++++ Forming UCSC homeless student connections with Meleah & RVsters
++++ Speaking out for WAMMM’s proposed dispensary on May 14 at City Council
Usual Suspects
++++ Reports from government bodies (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board)
++++ Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MH CAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)
Not to be Forgotten
++++ Follow-Up on Prior Projects such as Surveillance Camera Location (thru direct inquiry, observation, and public records)
++++ Contact with Patient Advocate George Corvalho for data on numbers of TeleCare psych holds sent out of County last year; Latest update on posting of Reiss protection against forced drugging procedures;
++++ Direct interviews with Tier 2 RV program users;
++++ Update on any photos taken and posted of stolen property;
++++ Drinkable Water accessibility at Harvey West, on Pacific Ave., at city Hall and elsewhere
++++ Possible Protest Targets Stop the Sweeps/Raids: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission… City Hall—City Council meets 4-23 Other targets: /Emeline/TelcCare/Supes
If enough time and desire
++++ Possible phone contacts: Laura C. on Recent political updates and incoming videos/complaints at 245-0956
++++ Pro-Palestinian-Homeless Alliance protest info:
++++ Legal:
HUFF "Loose Cannon" Agenda Suggestions 5-2-24
We'll be following up on the Monday police raid against the survival encampment in and above Harvey West Park's Friendship Garden. This “Loose Cannon” meeting is more informal, run by HUFFster Athena. The following are some of Robert’s suggestions for possible topics, but participants themselves decide leadership and agenda.. There will likely be snacks, though folks may have to bring their own drinks. Bring snacks to share.
Those with recording equipment are encouraged to record (with the permission of participants) some of the accounts for later on-line play or reference by HUFFsters unable to get to the meeting.
Standard Stuff: Procedures and Reports
++++ Group decides on its own procedures such as Timekeeper (10 minutes per item) Hand-raisin’ rules, Chair rotation
++++ Announcements and Street Reports
++++ Handouts: Flyer given out at Harvey West evictions; Follow-up on Terran Whitley story; others TBA
Possible Flashpoints for Action
++++ Follow-Up on and Assessment of Harvey West Documentation of April 29th Raid/Sweep
++++ A Second Arrest ofTerran Whitley an electric biker after the first brutal takedown near the Clearview Court RV park.
++++ Demand portapotties and trash containers at new encampment locations (if wanted by those camping there)
++++ Support for the new "U.S. Out of Gaza" Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Encampment at UCSC in the Quarry established Wednesday May 1st.
++++ Tabling and Info Gathering at Coral St. the BDS Camp to prepare strategies against the next eviction.
++++ Keeping Contact with Watsonville Camps threatened with eviction.
++++ Assisting HUFFster Helga to follow up on her assault by police
++++ Forming UCSC homeless student connections with Meleah & RVsters
++++ Speaking out for WAMMM’s proposed dispensary on May 14 at City Council
++++ Rainy Daytime Weather SATURDAY MAY 4th
Usual Suspects
++++ Reports from government bodies (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board)
++++ Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MH CAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)
Not to be Forgotten
++++ Follow-Up on Prior Projects such as Surveillance Camera Location (thru direct inquiry, observation, and public records)
++++ Contact with Patient Advocate George Corvalho for data on numbers of TeleCare psych holds sent out of County last year; Latest update on posting of Reiss protection against forced drugging procedures;
++++ Direct interviews with Tier 2 RV program users;
++++ Assessing and expanding contacts made at Harvey West, Coral, Street, and elsewhere
++++ Update on any photos taken and posted of stolen property;
++++ Drinkable Water accessibility at Harvey West, on Pacific Ave., at city Hall and elsewhere
++++ Possible Protest Targets Stop the Sweeps/Raids: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission… City Hall—City Council meets 4-23 Other targets: /Emeline/TelcCare/Supes
If enough time and desire
++++ Possible phone contacts: Laura C. on Recent political updates and incoming videos/complaints at 245-0956
++++ Pro-Palestinian-Homeless Alliance protest info:
++++ Legal: